Friday, October 21, 2011

Cabinet Office backs trusted computing | Guardian Government Computing | Guardian Professional

Cabinet Office backs trusted computing | Guardian Government Computing | Guardian Professional

Cabinet Office backs trusted computing

Official says relevant technology can play a part in cyber security strategy
One of the government's leading IT security officials has said trusted computing will play a significant role within the forthcoming cyber security strategy.
Owen Pengelly, deputy director of policy at the Office for Cyber Security and Information Assurance in the Cabinet Office, said the strategy will involve four key elements and that trusted computing technology is integral to at least three.
The technology, developed by companies within the Trusted Computing Group, is installed on laptops and servers and uses cryptography to authenticate devices, encrypt data and verify that only authorised code runs on a system.
Speaking at a seminar on the subject organised by Wave Systems, Pengelly said the cyber security strategy, expected to be published in mid-November, will revolve around four key objectives. These are making the public safe online and ensuring the country is one of the best in the world for online business; making the UK more resilient in the face of cyber attack and better able to protect its interests; proving a more "open and vibrant" cyber security environment; and having the knowledge, skills and capability to underpin these.
"Building the most resilient cyber defences in the world will not help if you are suffering from intellectual property theft," he said. "Trusted computing underpins security and can underpin growth, providing confidence in transactions, expanding markets and making them function more efficiently."
Pengelly added that he is now working with a cyber security team in the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills to work out what incentives the government could provide to encourage the take-up of the relevant standards.
This article is published by Guardian Professional. For weekly updates of news, debate and best practice on public sector IT,join the Government Computing Network here.

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